Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Continuing our fight for Truth and Justice

This is  a difficult time for all of us who have campaigned tirelessly over the years for a Labour government motivated by ideas and a will for truth and justice. We will have more analysis of the election and what it means for the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign. For now we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your solidarity and support.

The election results have left a bitter taste.  We’ve been knocked down but we get up again. We know that people-power changes things for the better. We pause, we plan and we continue to do our best to end this rotten system and be hopeful that another world is possible. This current Labour Party and leadership, led by Jeremy Corbyn, has reinvigorated our movement and their vision will hopefully influence Labour policy in the near future. We thank them for their positive approach and all they have done for us to highlight injustice and to promote and support our campaign. We need to ensure an Orgreave Inquiry remains in the Labour Manifesto.

The Prime Minister, as part of the establishment, represents solely his own class, so it is vital that our movement comes together and strengthens. Our campaign is now as crucial as ever and there will be much work to do in the New Year, so we need your invaluable support.

Seasons greetings and we look forward to campaigning with you in 2020.


Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign