Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Orgreave Truth and Justice: 40 years on, the case for an Inquiry

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (OTJC) today 18 June 2024 release a new report: ‘Orgreave Truth and Justice: 40 years on, the case for an Inquiry’ which contains some new information recently uncovered including public statements of police and government v the truth of their private acts.

Orgreave represents one of the most serious abuses of power by police and government in this country’s industrial and trade union history, the truth of which has never been told or acknowledged by the State. Instead, successive Conservative Governments and senior police have worked to cover it up. It is important that the truth is established via an independent inquiry and that the police and government are brought to account.

A copy is being hand delivered to the Home Office, and the major political parties on the 40th anniversary, 18 June 2024. Courtesy copies are being sent to the Cabinet Office. A further copy shall be delivered to the new Home Secretary following the election.

To help restore public trust in government and police, through an inquiry, the OTJC wants:

• the public to know the truth;
• to reset standards in public life;
• to reinforce the operational independence of the police;
• to reset democratic diligence in public office;
• a public acknowledgement and apology.

Due to the age and health of many miners impacted we need to quickly secure an inquiry and a public acknowledgement of why and what the State did to the miners and their communities. An inquiry of full disclosure can help to right the wrongs of the past and influence the future behaviour of public officials. An early and suitably empowered inquiry into government and police action in relation to events at Orgreave, 18 June 1984 is essential.

Orgreave Truth and Justice: 40 years on, the case for an Inquiry