Miners’ Strike Stories Film Ready for Download!
(More film showings and DVD available ASAP postponed due to coronavirus)

To buy and watch your download:
1) On the internet, go to reelnews.co.uk/dvd-downloads
2) Click on the red words on the top left post: Orgreave Special Out Now – featuring major new film, “Miners’ Strike Stories”
3) Under “Select download”, click on the little blue arrows to the right of “Download (solidarity price) £10.00 GBP”, to change the buying option to “Download (standard price) £5.00 GBP”.
4) If you’re happy paying the solidarity price of £10.00, just leave it as it is.
5) Click on the yellow “Buy Now” button.
6) this will take you through to paypal, where you can pay for the download.
7) you will then receive an email with a link to the download, and a password. 😎 Click on the link,
9) Fill in the password EXACTLY as it appears in the email.
10) The Orgreave Special will then come up. To watch or download a film, click on the title of the film you want – for example “Miners’ Strike Stories”.
11) If you want to download the film to store it on your computer so that you can watch it when you don’t have an internet connection: Click on the light grey “Download” button (on the right just above the description of the film).
12) To watch the film, click on the symbol at the extreme right of bottom of the film screen that comes up
to get the film as large as possible.
(If you hover over it with the cursor, so that the arrow turns into a hand, it will say “Enter full screen”)
13) Then click on the arrow at the bottom left of the screen to play the film.
14) If you have any problems, email Reel News at info@reelnews.co.uk