An acclaimed play exploring the Miners’ Strike will be performed at the historic home of the Durham miners on the anniversary of the start of the dispute.
The performance of Undermined will be followed by a Q&A with actor and writer Danny Mellor, and local people who were active in the strike.
Based on true stories and events from the 1984-85 strike, the play features just one man, one chair, and one pint. It comes to Durham following an acclaimed run at the Edinburgh Festival.
The DMA thanks Nasuwt North East for their support for the event.
• Undermined• Redhills: Durham Miners Hall, Flass Street, Durham DH1 4BE• Friday 6 March• Doors open at 7pm• Performance begins at 7.30pm followed by a discussion and Q&A
• Refreshments will be served in the Committee Room
Age rating guidance for the show is 14+.
Tickets are priced £6 and £4 concessions (over 65, under 18, unwaged), with a solidarity price at £10 for those able to contribute more and support
efforts to renew Durham Miners Hall. All proceeds to The Redhills Appeal.
Tickets one sale here:
Facebook event is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/605100853676743