Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Anti-Fascist Statement

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign is a social justice organisation committed to anti-racism and anti-fascism and committed to challenging fascist comments and behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals who openly espouse extreme right wing political ideologies, or who casually/covertly sympathise/support those ideologies. Comments and behaviour of a racist or fascist nature or incidents of fascists attempting to infiltrate or undermine our campaign will not be tolerated by OTJC. 

Our social media will not be used as a platform through which fascists and racists can spread their hate. We are here to challenge and fight against injustice. Fascism has historically been another tool by which the capitalist system seeks to strengthen itself. Fascism divides communities against themselves, which makes us vulnerable to exploitation.  A community divided is vulnerable. A community united through a common cause is not.

Miners and the National Union of Mineworkers have a proud tradition and honourable history of anti-fascist activity. The OTJC will actively oppose racist or fascist elements that attempt to hijack our campaign. United communities are our best hope for defeating state organised violence and oppression. Fascism and racism divide, so the many must unite.