Are you a great grandparent or even a great great grandparent?
All of us have parents, grand parents, great grandparents and so on, but there are very few families where 4 or 5 generations are actually still living.
Julian Germain, a photographic artist from the North East, is looking for any families where there are 4 or even 5 living generations to participate in a fascinating project.
Julian wants to meet and make portraits of these families.
He has contacted us because he is also searching for a 4 or 5 generation mining family, where at least the 2 older generations worked down the pit.
He is interested in the biological, social and cultural connections between generations and the various stages of the life cycle, from birth to old age.
The project raises questions about who we are and where we come from and hints at the different experiences of the different generations who have lived and who will live through different times.
Every participating family receives a free set of A4 sized prints. The pictures will enter the Generations Project Archive and may be included in an exhibition and book.
If you have a great grandparent or great great grandparent in your family, please contact Julian Germain by phone: 07747 758867 or by email: