Orgreave Annual March and Rally 2022
Saturday 18th June 2022, 1:00pm
Assemble 1:00pm, City Hall, Barkers Pool, Sheffield S1 4FT
Come along and support the Annual Orgreave Rally organised by the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, commemorating the 38th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike and the events at Orgreave.
Please bring banners, placards, drums, whistles, family and friends. We will not be silenced, we won’t go away and our vibrant campaign for truth and justice will honour our right to commemorate, celebrate, educate and protest.
Led by the Unite Brass Band, come and march with us through Sheffield City Centre and support our call for an Inquiry for Truth and Justice for Striking Miners brutalised by the state and police at the Orgreave Coking plant on 18th June 1984
Chris Kitchen
General Secretary – National Union of Mineworkers
Morag Livingstone
Film director, author and activist
Kevin Horne
Miner arrested at Orgreave – Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign
Eileen Turnbull
Researcher / Secretary – Shrewsbury 24 Campaign
Ian Hodson
National President – Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union
Neil Findlay
Former Member of the Scottish Parliament
Chris Peace & Joe Rollin – Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign organisers
UNITE Brass Band
PCS Samba Band