Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Statement to the Durham Miners’ Association

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign send support and solidarity to the DMA on your stance not to invite newly elected Tory MPs to this years Durham Miners Gala. 

As one of the largest socialist annual gatherings in Europe and one that is organised by socialists, the Gala represents people and communities who have never forgotten the impact Tory economic policies have had on the Coalfield communities of Britain. The Gala is a celebration of our past and an opportunity to build our future free from oppression. Formal invitations should continue to be to those who support the Gala and the labour and trade union movement, not to those who have supported destroying our communities and livelihoods, have made no contribution to the event, and who continue to persecute and abuse working class people and our culture.

We look forward to being at the Gala again this year with our banners and stall.