Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Uncat List of Torture extract – UK Police not using minimum force at protests

Committee against torture extract -  Uk police do not always us minimum force policing protests


Committee against Torture

List of issues in connection with the consideration of the fifth periodic report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, adopted by the Committee at its forty-nine session (29 October-23 November 2012)

36. The Human Rights Review 2012 of the Equality and Human Rights Commission found that police do not always use the minimum level of force when policing protests1. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has similarly concluded that there is no consistent doctrine around the use of force by the police2. What steps are being taken to implement the recommendations of HMIC to adopt an overarching set of principles on the use of force?

 HMI Constabulary, Adapting to protest – nurturing the British model of policing, 2009,

2 HMI Constabulary, Adapting to protest – nurturing the British model of policing, 2009,